Thursday, August 28, 2008

I knew it couldn't be free forever. I have been using the transcription service called Jott for several months now, and was just notified by them that they are moving out of beta into a fee-for-service. It's very reasonable, just $35 for a year of service. I have enjoyed using Jott to log my business miles into It's saved me lots of tedious entering and transcripton of this data to compute my mileage expenses. If you haven't tried Jott yet, I strongly encourage you to check it out --

Sunday, November 4, 2007

A weekend by the lake

I had the privilege of spending the weekend with nine high school youth at a cottage on Lake Erie. I was accompanied by my trusty youth director, who does a great job. The weekend was spent doing Bible study sessions, visiting the beach, and just hanging out. The highlight of the weekend was being on the beach Saturday night with a warm fire, hearing waves break out he shore, and seeing millions of stars up above on a clear night. We spent part of Saturday shopping at a dollar store for small toys to be packed in shoeboxes and shipped to a a child somewhere in the world through a program called Operation Christmas Child. Millions and millions of these boxes have been shipped over the years through this program, bringing Christmas joy to children who would not otherwise experience it. All in all, it was a great weekend, and now it's time to back to the real world.